05 February 2009

Whoa Big Brother

One of the things about the Northwest that I'm not particularly fond of is how late the news is. I'm used to like a 7pm or 8pm broadcast, something to watch before hittin the sack. But here, oh no, it's 10pm or even 11pm. I stayed up tonight to watch the new episode of LOST. I don't know why I'm addicted to this show, I just am. Okay?! (I know, I know. I used to be one of those Seriously-How-Many-Scenarios-Could-There-Possibly-Be-On-An-Island, Oh-Great-Another-Glorified-Gilligans-Island-Show, and Please-Give-Me-A-Break-This-Is-Stupid people. Thanks to the Hubbs and a nice long Lost Marathon, I am now a Lost fanatic.) Tonight, I stayed up a little later to catch some news.

Folks, techology just freaks me out. I know it's great... just like GOOGLE... and it's SO handy... but on the flip side, I don't want Big Brother (like it's 1984) knowing my every move, WHICH IS NOW POSSIBLE VIA CELL PHONES AND GOOGLE. It's called Google Latitude. People can use it to locate friends. KING (our local news) says you can "See where your friends are in real time! Enjoy Google Latitude on your phone, computer, or both." One aspect of it that I really like is how it puts a person right on a map. Whenever I get lost in Tacoma, finding myself on one of the many 134th streets (N, NW, E, SE, Avenue, Court, Ave Ct E, you get the idea), I simply call a friend and tell them to google whichever intersection I just passed and help me find my way out of the madness and to where I'm trying to get to. BUT NOW, they'll be able to see exactly where I am. I guess it really only cuts out one step... but it's still pretty cool. Scary, but cool. And wicked sick.

So... can I add you to my "friends" list and keep tabs on you?