04 February 2009

What a Thumb Sucker

Here's our little Sleeping Beauty.

Click on the picture to get a real good look at her slobber mouth.

I LOVE those gorgeous blue eyes.

Day (oh I don't know) 4 of Jumperoo.

I think she likes it. Thanks Grandmother and Grandaddy.

Here's the baby we all know and love!

Can't forget her infamous surprise expression. Strangers comment on how BIG her eyes are. It's just her look, people. I swear, her eyeballs aren't really that ginormous.

Lovin her some of Daddy's nose.

I was walking past the guest room when I noticed a bump under the quilt I hadn't seen before. When I felt of it, I was expecting jumbled sheets... not...

Juju. He's so weird. Our feral kitty. I'm so glad he hasn't taken an interest in reliving freedom like Jessie's cat, Loki.