06 June 2008


Here's proof that the dogs like the new houses. This shot was taken before I went to bed. (You can see it's STILL raining. Geesh, I'm so tired of this wet, rainy, Washington weather.) Anyway, I'm glad Libby let Dax have the one without a door. He's challenged enough as it is. I just hope he learns how to manipulate it eventually because we'll have to get a door for the winter. Aren't they cute?!
Here's Boo. Since the dogs have been moved outside, their food dishes and the community water bowl are now outside too. Boo's at a complete loss. I put this white corningware water dish by her food, but she wouldn't drink out of it. After two days of this water strike, I put the dish down where the community bowl used to be. She drank until I thought she'd get sick and took it away from her. It's back up with the cat food now. She's just gonna have to get over it.