11 March 2008

*POOF* be gone!

Yay! Morning sickness (aka "24HR, never give me a friggin break and I can hardly eat because the sight and smell of everything makes me nauseous sickness") has finally diminished... as I keep my fingers crossed and knock on wood. The first trimester is officially coming to a close... that's so weird to say. Our next OB appointment is the 3rd of April. Still not showing... although if you ask some of the ladies who shop at Motherhood Maternity, where I work, they'll come right out and ask if I'm pregnant because they think I'm showing. I just smile and nod, because I don't have the guts to tell them that "bump" isn't baby and actually existed before the "boy or not" was even a twinkle in our eyes. Geesh.

Randy & Renee are coming out in April. Hopefully they'll get to ride a ferry this time. We'll probably be camping (or cabin-ing) at the Olympic National Park. So if anyone in the Northwest has a 6+ man tent (can't forget the dogs), may we borrow it please?!