06 March 2008
"...boy OR NOT?"
This morning was our first OB appointment. (I'm on Dr. Batig's team, Jess.) The doctor wanted an ultrasound, so Ryan & I were able to see the little guy/gal moving around like crazy--kicking and waving (closely resembling jumping jacks). The view wasn't the best for a photo, so Dr. Perez thought she could get him/her to move around if she started poking. Nope, nothing... completely uncooperative and stopped moving altogether. Almost like, "If I don't move, they can't see me." I think the reason for another ultrasound was because we've been given three different due dates and Dr. Perez wanted to get a better idea of how much the baby has developed. We were able to see it's head, BIG belly, arms, legs, and heartbeat. I'm sure Ryan was disappointed when the due date changed from 09/19/2008 (one day before his birthday) to 09/15/2008 (which is still really close to his birthday and everyone knows the dates are tentative anyway). I would have posted the ultrasound, but Ryan wanted to take it to work and I wasn't able to scan it before he left. So it'll be up tonight, hopefully. (Oh, the title is one of Ryan's questions. Instead of asking when we'd be able to tell if it was a boy or girl, he said "boy or not." We all thought it was funny.) Later!