29 February 2008

They're Here!

David & Priscilla arrived yesterday afternoon. We headed straight for Pike Place Market. Unfortunately, about half of the table vendors were already packing up their products. It was still neat to see all the stores though. We even explored a little where I'd never been before. Downtown really reminds them of San Fransisco: stores, people, apartments, hills, hills, and hills. Although it was raining earlier in the day, the sky cleared up some and they were able to see Mount Rainier and the Cascades from the Sound. I forgot my camera, but Priscilla managed to take lots of photos. I'll post them later.

27 February 2008

Little Liars

This morning, I hear the dogs whooing at some kids on the other side of the fence. About ten minutes later, they ring my doorbell, stating the dogs have taken their toy.

"Oh, what did my dogs take from you? How did they get it?"
"A bucket. They stole it through the squares in the fence."
"Okay, I'll get it for you."

So I find the bucket (which is as big as my head and couldn't possibly fit through the "squares in the fence"--aka "chainlink") and again ask them how the dogs got it.

"They took it."
"How? I don't think this can fit through the fence."
"They jumped over the fence, took it, and then jumped back."
"Really? The dogs don't jump over the fence. Are you sure you didn't throw it over?"

The story-teller of the bunch begins to panic and points to her friend, "She threw it over!" This little girl looked so sweet and innocent too! She had to be all of four years old. If her lies hadn't been SO obvious, I would've believed her. Geesh.

26 February 2008

New Background

Somebody please find me a new background! I've got a headache from staring at this silly computer.

Thimble Time

Okay, here we go again. There are two pictures; find both thimbles.

24 February 2008

I'm Renee

Okay, sorry everyone for not updating the blog in QUITE some time. I told Gloria I would do it when she updated hers... and that happened almost a week ago. Not much to report. School's been let out a few days because of all the ice we're getting. I have so much time on my hands, I'm not sure what to do with it. Randy went to a men's retreat with the church. Um, I'm not sure what else to share. I don't have much time, so details on these events will come later. Adios!

Renee Tha Mabry

keep those fingers crossed

Everyone around me is sick with the flu. Jess had it, Mabry has it, and now Ryan has it. Dan gets his flu & pneumonia shots religiously (sound familiar, Renee?), so he's not come down with anything yet. I haven't either, so keep those fingers crossed!!!

21 February 2008

makes my skin crawl

Adrienne called me the other day to tell me someone we used to go to church with was in the headlines back home. It's infuriating. (Links are of the same story.)
Parents Charged with First Degree Murder
Baby Left to Die for 8 Days
Neighbors and Grandfather React to Baby's Death

19 February 2008

Find the Thimble

Okay Jessica! So I'm a lousy blogger, it's established. Seriously, I have nothing to post about. So, at your request, I'm gonna start taking random photos... literally random.

Have you ever been to those birthday parties where you have to "Find the Thimble?" It's kinda like "Where's Waldo," but with a thimble. Good luck.

Cheri Geer introduced me to the wonderful world of pizzelles... Mmmm pizzzzellessss. So I made some this afternoon after cardio kickboxing. And then I hid them from Ryan, who's working EXTRA late this week. (Normally, he doesn't get home until 7PM, 6:30PM at the earliest.) So, if anyone needs me, I'll be at home... cleaning. Some of you may say, "But Gloria, you're ALWAYS cleaning." This is true. When your husband (or wife) insists that the two family huskies must be inside dogs, then you may talk to me about this crazy phenomenon. Until then, Shhht! Speaking of husband and huskies, here's a picture of what Ryan just had to get the dogs. I can't imagine why. I guess this finally means he's come to terms with the fact that they're not puppies anymore.

13 February 2008

I'm on it!

Okay, so I've been slacking on new posts. But seriously, don't you people ever get tired of seeing pictures of my dogs? I bet we'll all be glad when there's a baby to post about instead of piddly things. To appease the masses (...Renee and Jess), here are more RANDOM photos.

This is one of the views of Mount Rainier from post.

Here's another view, driving down the road.

This is Juju. And there is NO escaping this cat. No matter where you are or what you're doing, he's either wrapped around your ankles or insisting to be on your lap (or has figured out how to slip in between the shower curtain and clear liner to stare at you while you take showers).

I've been craving chocolate. How awful is that?! Ryan has kicked me out of the kitchen so that HE can frost the cake. Notice the hopeful face between him and the counter. It's funny that she knows HOW to beg with each of us. For Ryan, she outright sits at his feet with wishful anticipation. For me, she pretends like she's not paying attention, even though she's still within eyeshot and her ears are pricked for any sign that I might be feeling generous.

Whenever the dryer is on, Boo gets real cozy. I'm afraid I'll find her in the thing one day. She loves the heat.

Here is Dax's new "trick." It's a nuisance I don't encourage, even though it was funny at first. He must think he's part goat or something, because he climbs up onto the end table we have outside next to the rocking chair. Maybe he remembers Sadie (Renee's dog) climbing furniture in Melber. When they get tired of being outside (or they see that we're eating), they patiently wait outside the window and watch us.

I rearranged a few rooms in the house. Dax thinks he likes this spot and is determined to make it his own, despite the fact that he has to contort his body to even wedge himself in.