17 October 2010

Tommy Boy--I mean Elayna Girl...

We went to the park this evening so Elayna and Mati could run off some energy.  Where our human child got into a few fights...

Once with a swing...

and another with the slide...

When Elayna was "all dee" swinging she let go before Ryan had her and planted a nice one on the mulch.  Her poor face.  And then she had a run in with the slide, which reminds me of one of the more hilarious scenes in Tommy Boy after David Spade whales on him with a 2x4:

Tommy: "Man, my face really hurts, is there a mark?"
Dick: "Nope, looks fine."
Tommy: "Are ya sure? Not so much here, or up here, but right here!"
Dick: "Nope, nothing."
Waitress: "Can I take your order... What happened to your face!!"

Haha.  Now I'm in a Tommy Boy mood.