10 August 2010

Wanna see something gross?

I had a mole removed from my shoulder last week. One I've always had but it made people constantly tell me I should have it looked at. (When I tanned the area immediately around it would stay white as winter. Wish I had a "before" photo to show you what I'm talking about.) So it's finally been taken care of and sent off to be tested. I'll keep you posted.

Another medical-related issue is I fell. FLAT on my booty. Seems history is repeating itself since I did the same thing about this time while I was preggers with Elayna. Except that time I think I tripped myself. This time I slipped in the kitchen. Of course I had to go in for observation and everything was good.

Also! Ryan & I are planning for EV's party in Kentucky. Absolutely no details other than we're finally starting to talk about it. Watch for an invite in the mail. Hopefully soon!