Some advice please!
I'm close to my breaking point of waltzing my not-so-happy hiney across the street at this lovely hour of 11:45pm to the neighbors' house and demanding that they pen up their dogs. Not only do they chase the jeep (and every other vehicle) down the road, they knock over the trash cans, dragging all sorts of stuff across the property. And they bark at all hours of the night, right outside Elayna's room. So right now, I'm about a half second from pulling out a bb gun and shooting these unruly mangy mutts every time I see them on our lawn, purely based on the principle that they're wreaking havoc and have no discipline. It's not like I want to hurt them, but I'd love to scare them enough to stay away. I've already the neighbors to give them a piece of my mind (yes this late, b/c I'm THIS angry) but they're unlisted. I've also thought about macing the dogs that chase us while we're driving, but realize that just isn't practical or possible. They speed alongside the jeep and then dart back and forth in front of it. I've slammed my brakes and crawled down the road too many times to count. Seriously, one day they will be hit and I won't feel that bad about it. I've only got another week to deal with it so I suppose I could just suck it up, but at this point I'm very impatient and fed up with people who don't take care of their stuff.
How do you handle menaces?