Did you notice the timestamp? I can't sleep. It feels and sounds like the thunder is right out my (er, Elayna's) window. And when I close my eyes, I see a million flashes a minute. I grew up with thunderstorms, but I guess living in the Northwest has spoiled me. NO, I repeat, NO thunder and lightning out there. I think in the two years we lived there I heard thunder maybe once or twice... and I can't even be certain about that because I lived on an Army post.
But the last two nights have made all my childhood nightmares come back. (Especially with this new Freddy movie coming out.) I admit storms scare me. All that cracking thunder and bright flashes make me realize just how puny I am. It's scary. Very. So like the grown, mature adult woman I am, I've snuck into my 1 1/2 year old daughter's room and am bunking in the guest bed.
And the "Weenie Award" goes to... ME. Applause.
She's not even the least bit phased. I mean, come on. Even the dog has her ears perked up and is begging me to let her up on the bed. (She's quite content sleeping on the floor next to me, except for tonight.) I'm curled up in the fetal position, trying to calm myself. I can feel my heart racing. But my toddler is perfectly fine. Awake and singing to herself b/c my sneaky sneakiness has woken her up. I'm trying to smile and pat her back and make like it's all okay and to go back to sleep. But on the inside, I'm freakin out man.
Hope your night was better than mine.