I had my growth & development ultrasound today and... we're having another girl! Here are some pics of the little lady. (You'll have to excuse them though. Elayna & I are visiting family this weekend and don't have access to a scanner. So they've been captured on the macbook's built-in camera.) Enjoy!
This child is totally relaxed, laid back, chillin in the womb. The ultrasound tech labeled everything; there's no question about what's what.
And here's the picture that everyone's been waiting for. I asked the tech what the chance was of "her" being a "him" and was told that there was no question about it. This baby's definitely a girl.
Thumbs up! Everything looks perfect. And I've been feeling her move around. Originally I thought it was just (sorry) gas for a little over a week now because I was sure she wasn't up to my belly button yet and that's where I was feeling the kicks. The tech told me she's actually grown past my belly button. And I haven't gained a pound yet! Another reason to celebrate with a thumbs up!