18 March 2010

Stupid Red. Poor EV.

Elayna's been breaking out in hives.  It was really scary the first morning I found her covered in them.  Seriously, all over her.  Half her face, both thighs, the entire waist, huge hive clusters on her shoulders, back, arms, legs and stomach.  The girl looked like she'd rolled around with a thousand bees.  I was able to catch someone's canceled appointment that morning and took her in to see our friend, Dr. Smith.  He confirmed she was having an allergic reaction to something, that it could be anything, and to record everything she comes into contact with.  He also gave us some anti-histamine samples to alleviate and prevent breakouts.

Not even two weeks later, we discovered her allergen: red dye. That seemed to be the constant ingredient anytime she had a breakout.  Anything red: drinks, candy, food, etc.  But last Sunday, she hadn't had anything with red in it (that anyone's aware of), and she had hives by the time worship was out.  So I'm not sure anymore.  Still not giving her anything with red, just in case we were right about that one.  And David (doctor) said to go ahead and give her the anti-histamine on a daily basis, whether or not she's breaking out.  So we'll see where we are in another few weeks or so.  Hopefully, this is something that she'll just grow out of.  I sure don't want her reactions to get worse.  But if this doesn't go away, I hope we find out exactly what she's allergic to.  Keep those fingers crossed and the prayers coming!