19 January 2010


So this is Mati.  Although, I'm beginning to think we should've named her "Bullet" or "Glock" or I personally like "Whoosh."

And that same road that we found our horses on a walkabout is the one that Mati runs down for exercise.  It's a mile long and we run it three times.  The first time is usually a refresher to remind Mati that when she runs in front of the jeep, it stops.  And the only way it's gonna get going again is if she stops acting like a lunatic and moves to the side of the road.  So there's a lot of stop and go in that mile and we don't count it towards the run.  Then once she's got the idea back in her head, she runs hard at 22mph for a mile and then we gradually cool down for the next mile until we're crawling at 5mph.