So, Reece (my too-cool-for-his-own-britches brother-in-law) told me about this website called People of Walmart and how candid pictures are taken of random (OR not so random) people and posted on the site. I, for one, am not fond of the idea of taking unsolicited photos of others... but some of these pictures are so freakin hilarious, I'm making an exception. Check it out and get ready for your face to hurt b/c you're laughing uncontrollably, wishing you were the one who had witnessed these people in person... or perhaps because you have been in their shoes before... or better yet b/c you wish you were in their shoes. Okay, not really on that last one, but seriously snuggie and crocs? It just doesn't get better than that. I'm now on a mission. Maybe I can bring back puffy bangs or the side ponytail. Oh the possibilities!