31 October 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

***UPDATE 11/01/2009***
It completely slipped my mind to mention that I totally made Elayna's bee costume (the tutu, wings, antennae, and I added yellow ribbon to her pants).  Jess found a bee tutu costume online and suggested I try to make it myself.  I'm so happy with the way it turned out.   Not that I'm biased or anything, but she was the cutest little honey on Halloween.

Melber celebrates Halloween with almost as much gusto as they do at Christmas.  Yes, I dare say.  While we used to go all out with hay rides and spook-tacular events, we now host a Trunk-or-Treat.  If you're not familiar with this (how could you not be?) it's when a whole bunch of vehicles decorate their trunks and then the owners stand beside them handing out candy.  Churches usually host them.  It's essentially a lot safer than letting your child wander unsupervised all over creation to collect candy from strangers.  So here are a few pics of this year's Trunk-or-Treat.

Helping Bala hand out candy.  (Actually, she was my partner in crime, grabbing candy from the tub and sticking it in our own candy sack.)

After being scared by all the costumes, EV wasn't up for anymore fun at the Greats.  Too bad for her, she still had to visit with Great Gma and Gpa Mabry, Great Grandaddy Rex, and Great Granny before going to Aunt Janice's Halloween Party 2009.

She's absolutely covered in saltine crumbs.  Give this girlie a cracker and she's set for the night.

What a toddler.  I caught a picture of her mid-wobble.