08 February 2009

Le Petit Prince

I like to read people's secrets on Post Secret's blog. People mail in anonymous secrets to this guy who publishes them. It's relieving to see how some people have my same fears, expectations, or weird quirks. I must warn you though that sometimes there are very disturbing, embarrassing, or heart-wrenchingly painful secrets.

In my high school french class, we read Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. A children's novel with MUCH MORE depth to it. I think it's a book all adults should read. I have a copy if you're interested. (But just remember how particular I am about my books. And if you so much as crease a page or crack the spine, you'll be sorry. Oh yes, you'll be sorry.) No really, if you want to borrow it, I will let you. Just please be careful.

Each time I read The Little Prince, my life is put back in perspective and I remember what's important. I can totally relate to whoever this secret belongs to.