11 February 2009

Heh, she DOES sleep.

Well wouldn't ya know it? Elayna Vaye took her second nap today (only SINCE RYAN'S BEEN GONE). And I was able to set her down for awhile to do some laundry and work. She's gradually returning to her normal schedule. Now I'm afraid of how it's gonna be when Ryan returns... Will she go on a sleep strike again? Will she again insist on being held non-stop? Will she smile and laugh with me? (Okay, for that last one, she'll smile and laugh and have a good 'ol jolly time with her mama. But this fun is NOTHING compared to how she is with her daddy. You'd think he was the center of her world. And one might have thought being her food source would've amounted to much more. But what do I know?) I'm very eager to get a picture of that chunky cheeked, gummy grinned smile of hers when she first sees Daddy again.