15 January 2009

Notice the Time

Wow, so how long has it been? Thanks for not giving up on me... I'd show you more pics EVENTUALLY. But I just want you to take a look at how late I had to stay up to get this posted. Does that not tell you how busy I am? Baby. Husband. Home. Work. Baby. Husband. Home. Work. Dogs. Cats. Horse. (That's right! I said "Horse." More about that later.) Now for what you're really on the blog for! (And I KNOW I'm talking to Little Miss April Walker.)

Holy Cow, so much has happened since the last photo post. And since it’s now past midnight, I’m not bothering to straighten pictures on their sides… just turn your head if you have to. Here we go:

One of the houses behind ours caught on fire one afternoon. Luckily no one was home and the duplex neighbors were able to evacuate safely.

Ryan's earned his CAV spurs-- after a grueling endurance and skills event. He's in there somewhere with the Alpha Troop (A flag).

We received a nice visit from Granny

For awhile there, Elayna wouldn't fall asleep unless she was COMPLETELY covered.

Poor baby, after her first shots. I'm so glad Ryan was there. I'm still haunted by my kindergarten shots.

The next few pics are the photo op for Renee's Christmas card.

Reece came out for Thanksgiving. (...Not once did he change a diaper.)

Ryan deep-fried a turkey. It was delicious.

Little Missy in her Thanksgiving outfit from our friends Jessie and Anna.

Here are a few shots from our Christmas card photo op.

8-1 CAV Christmas Party

She was pouty most of the time.

Here, we're on the flight home to Kentucky.

She liked Ryan to touch her nose... weirdo.

Renee's beautiful Christmas tree with the outdoor dog who spends most of her time indoor.

Granny's fridge USED to be absolutely covered in pics of all the grandkids... now there's just THE great-grandkid.

Granny has the magic touch. Grouchy Elayna fell right asleep.

One minute she's happy...

the next she's sad. What are we gonna do with her?

Sue also has the Grandma Touch.

Put her right to sleep.

Grandma Mary


The Mabry family... minus one. Where were you, Reece?

Randy's sister, Sheri and her husband, Ricky.

This picture is upsidedown. Ryan was kissing on her to make her laugh.

I'm beginning to think she'll never grow into those cheeks.

Foretaste of what's to come.

Aunt Lori and Elayna

Elayna and David

Holly Pirtle holding Elayna

The Girls took all the Pirtles' kids Christmas shopping at Walmart. We had a blast. We each had one child and a giftcard... surprisingly we weren't even there an hour.

She's very interested in Hawk, the horse on the right.

Grand-Daddy Rex and Elayna

Racing around the house like some speed demon. She LOVED for her GrandDaddy to "drive" around the house at speeds which I'm sure made her think everything was one big blur.