Can you believe how fast the pregnancy has gone by... Wow. We found out we were pregnant on the 6th of January and the time has completely flown by. The ticker on my blog is how I've mainly been keeping track of time. Then I also receive weekly emails from Madigan Hospital (here on post) and They give all sorts of useful information regarding pregnancy, health, symptoms, needs, etc. etc. Remember back in March when I said the baby was about as big as an apple and how each trip by the produce section initiated bizarre thoughts of various fruits and vegetables in my belly? Well she's finally the size of a pumpkin, which now gets me thinking of very scary images that precede lots of pain (or maybe it's the other way around). Anyway, (Tanya) I'm having lots of contractions, about a half dozen an hour. But they're usually not painful and Labor and Delivery says they're nothing to worry about until they're 2-3 minutes apart and have been that way for at least 2 hours and I can't walk or breath because it hurts so badly. Basically, don't bother going to the hospital until I'm ready to push because they won't admit me. They say that it sounds like the stage before labor begins, which they can't predict how long will last. Like Sara pointed out, the next full moon is Monday the 15th (ironically, Elayna's due date), so hopefully if something doesn't happen this weekend, it will then.
By the way, Sara, I saw your 34 week photo, and you're one of those preggos I just want to kick. Are you even in maternity clothes? Looking good, girl, you're looking good.