So this afternoon, I completely bit the dust. I was carrying Mabry, apparently tripped myself and planted a nice one. (I don't even know what happened.) It's funny how a million thoughts can go through your mind in a split second. Being more concerned about Mabry, my thoughts and actions were on protecting her as we went down. I get up and everything seems fine, except at this point, Mabry is scared and crying. About 15 minutes later, I get really scared because I haven't felt much movement from Elayna. I called Labor & Delivery and they said to go in for some monitoring. Ryan met me up there and we spent a nice 5+ hours playing monopoly and trying to figure out what the machines were saying. (By the way, I'm sure Ryan would want everyone to know he absolutely creamed me... but I say it's only because he won the Free Parking jackpot.) After awhile, Elayna started to move around and the doctor determined everything was fine. The main concern was the placenta tearing. But don't worry, everything's great and we can anticipate a normal labor, hopefully soon with tomorrow's full moon.