09 September 2008

Broken Uterus

That's right, you read it. My uterus is broken, I'm convinced. According to this morning's appointment, things are moving backwards, not forwards. (I'm not going into details... unless you really just want them.) This is probably the main reason I don't like seeing multiple doctors versus one or maybe even two. Everyone has different standards, gets different measurements, and I get borderline, conflicting advice. And today all of a sudden (nothing's out of the ordinary from what I've been reporting the past month), this doctor wants to run tests. He says it's nothing to be concerned about, just trying to rule out preeclampsia. After I answered a few questions, he speculated an imminent labor, which I was definitely in favor of. But an exam revealed absolutely no good news, and he even seemed curious as to why things weren't progressing. *bummed* Anyway, like I said, my uterus must be broken. He gave me some... interesting... suggestions on how to get things moving though. And I've got my own ideas, which involve a trampoline, slip n slide, and skip-it... funny how all the 80s toys came to mind. I'll keep yall posted.