11 June 2008

Ruby Ruby

The replacement feeder arrived a few days ago and instead of purchasing the store formula, I found a recipe online and mixed the solution on the stovetop. It's been hanging outside for the past two days and I hadn't noticed anything until this morning. (Well, that's a lie, ants found their way to the feeder and I had to get an extender to hang it on.) When I opened the back door and exclaimed how happy I was to see the dogs, I immediately heard a humming/buzzing sound that very quickly dissipated. It had to be a hummingbird! And I go and scare it off! Geesh. Then I noticed the water bowl was running low so I went back in the house for a pitcher. When I went back out, I heard it again and this time think I actually saw it. It was mostly red, I've never seen a hummingbird like that. I think I shall name it "Ruby."