After the furniture was delivered Saturday, The Oakes & I went down to Portland. We toured the Roloff Farm and then ate at Old Chicago.
Mabry was super excited. She could hardly contain herself.
Once you turn down the main highway that leads to their farm, you start seeing pumpkin signs posted on telephone poles.
When we arrived, Matt Roloff was directing where everyone should park. Jess & I had our cameras out & ready, anticipating any picture we could possibly get. But once we saw him, our jaws literally dropped and we were motionless, awe-struck that we had actually seen him.
Camera crews were on the farm, filming for TLC. The season premieres Monday.
We were able to see all the family members, except Molly, their daughter. (Even Jeremy's girlfriend was on site. The only people we didn't see at the farm were Matt's parents, Ron & Peggy.)

Amy was so nice. She took as many pictures as people requested.
Zach Roloff
Jeremy Roloff
Jacob Roloff
Mabry Grace in the pumpkin patch.
When duty calls...
Here are some miscellaneous photos of the farm.
This is their new multi-court.
This was such a fun day! We're hoping it can become our tradition to visit the Roloff Farm every year while we're in the Northwest.