Since Ryan & Mabry had never been on a ferry before, we thought today would be a good day to go to Seattle.

This was our view from the ferry.
And this was our view from the car.
Seriously, I don't know what their deal was... weirdos.
We got this crazy idea that we could feed the seagulls popcorn.
What were we thinking?!

No ferry ride is complete without a Captain Morgan pose.
This was our view from the ferry.
And this was our view from the car.
Seriously, I don't know what their deal was... weirdos.
What were we thinking?!
We had a good time.
After the ferry, we went to Snoqualmie Falls, but it was way too misty for me to take any photos. Then we ate out at Chilis for Dan's birthday dinner. Happy Birthday Dan on the 26th!