20 May 2013

Forest Fairy Elayna

I know, I know. The quality of these photos is very craptastic.  However, in my defense, I'm not exactly sure where the camera is... let alone the battery or charger.  So my iphone will have to do.  And it doesn't do well.  The photos aren't OCD aligned and text isn't consistent.  Being after midnight, I'm ready for bed.  This is a milestone and I've been really bad about blogging.  It must be done!  Even with all the errors, enjoy the post anyway!

This weekend was Elayna's ballet recital.  Randy & Renee were able to come down for the weekend and we're so excited they're here.  Cora bursts out in random bouts of squeals, gets really quiet, and then whispers, "I'm so excited."  It's hilarious and yet kinda creepy at the same time.  It should be documented, really.  Elayna has been capitalizing on her time with the grandparents and is totally "all jacked up on Mountain Dew"-ish.

Anyway, here's what out afternoon looked like:
Isn't she the cutest Forest Fairy ever?!

One of the backstage moms brought movies... best idea ever since the academy director insisted on keeping several dozen toddlers and preschoolers cooped up in itty bitty rooms for multiple hours each day this past weekend. Sheesh. They take this recital business very seriously. 

We brought a half dozen coloring books and a box of crayons. Notice how nobody wanted Bible Stories?

 Elayna KNOWS this dance and has been performing it for the family on a daily basis.  She was uber excited about the recital... up until the fairies lined up to go on stage, then she got a real bad case of backstage jitters.  

There was a strict "no cameras" policy, so we don't have any pics of the actual dance, but here's her rehearsal video.  Elayna's the second one from the right.  Folks, she knows this dance and can do it in her sleep.  WHY she kept watching and following the girl next to her, I don't know.  But it made the crowd chuckle a few times and she had fun.  ***CAUTION: The volume may be loud.

After the intermission Elayna was allowed to leave the holding cell and join her family for the rest of the show.  Here she is with the flowers Ryan bought her.  Why is she not in costume?  Oh, it's another one of the director's rules "No costumes outside of the dressing rooms or off stage" and I think it's silly.  I mean, come on, this is a children's dance recital, not some Broadway production.  Although tickets were a whopping $20 each (there was a mandatory 5 ticket purchase, per child per class), so... maybe it was on some level and I just didn't realize it?

Elayna finished the "production" (director's word, not mine) on Daddy's lap.
And this is how Cora spent the whole show.

Elayna suckered spare change out of Mooma.  She's making a wish.

And now she's picking the penny back up...

So she can make another wish.  Funny girl!