This fall, Elayna's preschool class studied communities, what makes one, the people, how they work together, etc. As a special treat, they were able to meet firefighters, who help keep the community safe. Home fires are one of the "life lessons" Ryan & I have been discussing with the girls. "If you see a firefighter in the house, you don't hide. You yell, 'Here I am! Here I am!' as loud as possible." There's plenty more to it, but that's the highlight. I learned if we're trapped in the house, the first place firefighters will look is in the windows, so wait near one. Which, yes, that seems like common sense and probably would be everyone's natural reaction if trapped, but hearing it just seemed to make me feel safer.
Elayna was way into the lesson. She was so eager to listen and learn. Made this mama proud. No really, she was. I know she's wearing her helmet on her face, but she really was into it. More than Cora anyway.
After he was all suited up, I encouraged Elayna to go talk to him. He called out through the mask so she'd know what it sounded like and then she hesitantly gave him a high five. Poor guy. I'm sure he was hoping I'd shut my pie hole because it was warm outside. But I really wanted the girls to see and interact with a firefighter in his getup.
Cora did not like the hat. She took it off every chance she got. But she really liked sitting in the truck. It was neat to see one so up close. I also learned how the firefighters' oxygen tanks are securely held at their individual seats, so when they put their seat belts on, they're actually putting on their tanks, so when they arrive, they can release the hold on the tank and head out completely equipped. Neat huh? I thought so too.
Elayna refused to take a smiling picture with me at the front of the truck. Every shot has her mouth wide open. Like a goon. That's my child.