And I'm not a blogaholic. I don't spend hours upon hours looking at people's blogs or working on my own. I won't apologize because there are tons of other things keeping me busy at the moment. And here they are:
1. Since Ryan was in the field for most of November, it just made sense for the girls and me to go home to Kentucky a month early and wait for him to show up at Christmas time. A lot of time was spent packing, unpacking, and settling.
2. While being surrounded by family and friends, it was difficult to dedicate even a few minutes to blogger. We were constantly busy with one thing or another. Being home is so much fun.
3. After we returned to Georgia, it took nearly a week to get everything unpacked and settled again. Ryan cleaned the house before leaving it, so that was a tremendous help. However, I still did not find the energy to sit down and post some pics.
4. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure what pictures I have to post, if any, that are very notable. So now I'll have to use the time I find to sort through all our recent photos.
5. Cora has been sick the last two weeks. Her canines are coming through strong, all four at once. So that makes for very long days and even longer nights. Also, she is currently suffering pain from a double ear infection. After an entire week of hearing her scream, everyone in the house is also feeling her pain.
6. I love CYSS (Child, Youth, and School Services) on post... That was a lie. I don't. As soon as Elayna turned 3, we called to put her in preschool, only to discover there was a wait list. That's fine. What we didn't know was our responsibility to call every three weeks to keep her position on the list active. So by the time I called last week, she wasn't even on the blasted thing. Joy. So I get that straightened out and also put her in a beginners dance class for ballet and tap. I could give you more details, but that in itself is a blog-worthy story. You'll just have to wait until there's time for me to go into real detail about why Ryan & I aren't fond of CYSS and their antics.
7. So instead of calling every three weeks, I'm calling every three days to update Elayna's position on the wait list. Take that CYSS. I can be annoyingly stupid too.
There you go. My list is now biblically "complete" and I've got to make a serious decision as to whether or not Cora is well enough for Bible class tonight. Or if I should not press my luck, skip worship, and let her sleep as long as possible. Decisions decisions.