29 September 2011

Sweet Sister Prayer

On Diane's blog, she shared how Aaron is learning so much about the Bible and God.  I absolutely love how beautiful our children are.  Although mine challenge me daily, they also bring a tremendous amount of joy to my heart.  I'm proud to call them mine.

Except, when Cora does this banshee squeal/scream... then she's not mine.

Speaking of, we were driving home from the grocery store a few days ago when Cora was pretending to be this awful spirit of death.  All of a sudden, I realize Elayna's praying.  I wasn't able to hear all of her prayer, for obvious reasons, but I caught the tail end of it: "And thank you God for Sister. Amen."  During all of that ugliness, Elayna was thankful for Cora.  Yall, it made my heart melt!

Okay, God.  Thank you for giving me a gorgeous girl with a wonderfully beautiful heart, who has reminded me once again to enjoy the things I should and not worry about the things I shouldn't.