11 August 2011

Dino Appliqué

So instead of purchasing birthday shirts for the girls (at $20+ a piece!), I decided to try my own hand at machine appliqué.  I've done all of none before and was extremely nervous.  I found a great tutorial here and decided to just go for it and save myself at least $30.  Except, now I'm wanting a bigger, better sewing machine with a hundred stitch options... so... yeah.

Well this is my practice round.  Would you let your child wear it?

When i asked Ryan if he knew it was a t-rex without me telling him, his response was, "Yeah.  I can see its big head and little arms."  !!!!!!!  He cracks me up!

And the brachiosaurus with a wonky tail.

Well, given that these were my first attempts, I'm happy.  I think I'll brave the t-shirts tomorrow... if the girls are nice enough and sleep at least three hours.