19 November 2010

Duck Duck

GOOSE egg!

After a fun-filled day, Elayna & Mabry finally went to sleep... at 10pm. The girls & I drove to Cleveland, GA to meet Jess, Mabry, & Cheri (Mabry's Gamma) at the Cabbage Patch Kids Hospital. The girls had a blast playing with the dolls and even got to pick out their own babies to adopt. Elayna named her baby Tura Dess, aka "Cora Jess."

I'm so grateful that Elayna has officially made a friend.  One she was able to play with all day long and wasn't bullied once.  Mabry is just as nice and well-mannered as Elayna and they got along great.  This is the first time she's played with another kid and I didn't want to slap the parent for being stupid-- I mean negligent.  (Aren't you happy Jess?)  Now if we can just get them to move to GA so Elayna can have play dates all the time.

About Elayna's goose egg:  She was playing on a wooden futon that had been laid out and jumped (?) landing face first on the arm rail, which had been covered by a blanket.  Poor girl.  I'm not a coddler, but as soon as it happened I rushed over and picked her up.  Within a second, literally, she had a bright blue raised bruise highlighting a thin red line where she'd actually hit her forehead.  And it just got puffier and puffier-- only not so puffy at all.  It was a hard knot as thick as one of her fingers.  And the crying.  Oh the crying.  I felt so bad for her.  I was able to keep my cool, but on the inside I was freaking.  No one in the house had a poker face when they saw it, it was so bad.  We just didn't know what this could mean.  Could she have broken her face?  Damaged her brain?  What?  What?!  I called "Bala" and she gave me some things to watch for.  Then I called Crr and was reassured when Didi said she would be fine.  Jess was doing what she could to help prepare if we have to take her to the ER.  Ryan told me numerous times to take her if I felt like she needed it.  And folks, the picture doesn't even do it justice.  Not to mention it was taken a few minutes after she'd had ice on it and the swelling had gone down a fraction.  This thing was Uh-uh-gly.  Seriously.  A trophy welt.  It was gross.

Good news is she's just fine.  Twenty-four hours later, the swelling has gone down significantly.  There's barely a raise at all.  But half of her forehead is bruised.  (Gonna make for GREAT Christmas photos.  Thank you futon.)  And she's only brought it up twice.  "Hurt bed Layna."  Her word order is just a little off.