22 November 2010

2 Mo. Appt. (SHOTS)

Cora screamed, Elayna cried, and I sat rocking in a corner.  NO, just kidding.  It wasn't so bad.  Except the Cora part.  That was bad.  

Everyone went on lunch, so there was only one nurse to administer the shots.  (Versus, two to three people doing three shots all at the same time, which would mean "many much" less screaming and trauma.)  And Elayna was VERY concerned about "Tura."  No amount of reassuring was going to keep her from worrying about why her baby sister was dying. 

It didn't take long for Cora to calm down.  Then Elayna did too.  I treated us to apples with caramel and it was a good day.

We also learned that Cora is in the 75th percentile for her head circumference and length... and then a whopping 95th for her weight.  (And I was concerned she wasn't eating enough.  Pfff!)  I noticed her vitamin drops had more... well, vitamins than Elayna's did way back when so I gave them a taste.  People, one drop made my tongue go numb.  I'm not sure that's the correct response an adult should have, much less a 14lb baby.  So I'll be checking with the doctor before administering said drops.