26 June 2010

mock YEAH ing YEAH bird YEAH

"Yeah! Yeah!  Mockingbird... Everybody, have you heard..."
"You can't triple stamp a double stamp.  You can't triple stamp a double stamp.  Lloyd! You can't triple stamp a double stamp."

I totally forgot how funny this movie was until just now.

So I found a nest in one of my rose bushes.  I googled the eggs and have concluded that we have Northern Mockingbirds residing with us.  I wasn't exactly surprised when I read the description.  Especially the part about how males are obnoxiously loud to attract females.  And I've been watching a bird (or two) flapping laps around our carport but just assumed it was confused and the poor thing would find its way out eventually.  I don't even notice the songs anymore and was a little surprised to see a nest so low to the ground (as in like 3 whopping feet).  Not to mention, since Mati went on a baby bird killing spree not even two weeks ago.  Nasty dog.  Seemed like we were finding dead fledglings every time we went for a walk around the house.

On to the fun part.  My three years at Harding are still haunted by the dive-bomb attacking birds that would come out of nowhere every time you walked around specific parts of campus.  So my concern now lies with Elayna's & my safety.  Wikipedia indicates these birds become protective of their nests, fearlessly attacking larger birds and mammals.  (Rachel, I'm sure has wet herself by now and made a promise to never visit my house again.  All I have to say to that is, "suck it up sista.")

Part of me hopes the nest is abandoned now that we've found it.  I know that's hateful, but I don't exactly welcome this feathered family.  I'm not as psycho-crazy-afraid of birds as Rachel, but the only purpose they serve for me is eating insects. And frankly, they're not doing that great of a job.

I'll post pics as soon as I take some.