I tell you what. Being pregnant in Kentucky with a civilian doctor is
waaaaay better than having an Army doctor.
Or two or three or eight! I feel like I'm some sort of special important person that gets preferential treatment every time I go in for an appointment. The doctors and nurses don't treat me like they've got a schedule to stick to. Or poke and prod and send me on my way. Ultrasounds are a plenty and they don't whisk right through them. The technicians tell me things, explain the images, and actually entertain requests. Everyone has been so gracious about Ryan being deployed and giving me extra ultrasound pics so that I can keep him up to date on the pregnancy. We've been so spoiled here and I'm already missing my special treatment for when we leave for Georgia. If we DID have her here. The cesarean is scheduled for the 21st. That means Elayna is the 19th. Ryan is the 20th. And Cora would be the 21st. (We know how anal I am about order. It just doesn't get more perfect!) Enjoy the pictures.

FYI, her head is smushed between the placenta and uterine wall. And she looks crooked because she's shrugging. The two knobs at the bottom are her knees.
Our little girl is just one ounce shy of a pound, according to the measurements. And I've gained 5 pounds to date. (I'm gonna start swimming again this week. Get back into a routine now that we're not going back out to WA until July. That's right. We're not flying out this Wednesday anymore. We'll just wait until Ryan comes home, spend a few weeks with him, and then fly out ahead of him driving to KY. Woohoo! He's almost home!)