23 April 2010

Good with the Bad

Yesterday Mati went back to the vet.  She had been walking around funny, almost clumsily, except it was definitely because her balance was out of whack.  So when we got there, the vets were even more stumped with this new symptom.  I was informed that Mati had the human equivalent of vertigo.  Her eyes were twitching back and forth as though whatever it was she was concentrating on kept moving.  So he checked her ears and they seemed alright.  He had her walk down the hall and she was wobbly.  The vet said that he was really impressed with how well she was keeping her balance given that the vertigo was so severe.  They still have no idea what's causing this.

One possible answer is an inner ear infection (way to go human nurse Diane for suspecting the same).  But the only way we would know that is if we spent $1500 on a cat scan... so that's not going to happen anytime soon.  Besides, she's already on the antibiotics that would resolve that issue.

Another possibility is a fungal infection.  We'll wait for the tick and toxo results to come back on Monday before we order those tests.  I really, really, really hope that all these problems are a result of some stupid tick.  So this leads me to share some newfound knowledge with you: Revolution advertises that it protects against fleas, ticks, and heart worm.  Well let me tell you that I pick ticks off Mati all the time.  When I asked the vet about this, he said it's a misconception that Revolution prevents tick bites.  It'll only protect against them if your dog is an ornamental house pet and never goes outside.  Since Mati spends a considerable amount outdoors, it does absolutely nothing for her.  I'll be switching preventative meds next month.

On a good note, Mati's temp hasn't been as high as it normally is.  I check it before and after I give her meds and periodically throughout the day. Last night, it was 102.9 before meds.  WAY better than the 103.4 and higher she's been dealing with around medication time.  And this morning, it was 102.3 before meds.  When one thing gets better another declines.  She's not quite on the mend, but I'm still hopeful.  Has anyone ever heard of ANYTHING like this?  The vets are all stumped, my online research isn't finding much.  We love our Mati so much and want her better.  (Come on, Jess.  Find me something.)