21 April 2010

Cheap and PROUD of It

Until my penny-pinching ways get me into trouble.  This morning I woke up, lazed in bed for a bit, then mustered the energy to get up.  I grabbed my glasses and when I went to put them on my face, they fell apart.  Just fell apart!  As in, the leg came right off.  How does that happen?  It wasn't even the leg I grabbed the glasses with.  So now I'm walking around the house like some hobo with a broken pair of spectacles.  If we were back out in Tacoma, I'd at least fit in.  Or I could always drive to the scuzzy part of Paducah.  But back to the matter at hand.  My attempt to save a few dollars came back to bite me.  I'm so irritated.  So now I've got to decide if I want to search (and I mean dig deep) to find my contacts or if I want to wear broken glasses.  OR if I want to send Rachel some money so she can mail my backup second pair of glasses that have been residing at her house for probably six months now.  Decisions decisions.

Rachel, do you even know where those glasses are?