I woke up Thursday morning to... flurries! It's not really the snow I'm used to, but I'll take what I can get living in Kentucky. I was very excited and couldn't wait until it was deep enough to play in. Ryan had already gotten up with Elayna.
SIDE NOTE: I have the best husband. He let me sleep in every single day he was home when he could've taken that time for himself. He really enjoyed getting up with EV in the mornings. And she seemed to like it too since she got up earlier and earlier and, oh yes, earlier every day... We're working to get back onto the Mama's schedule.
When I'd finally crawled outta bed, Renee was still home. I figured maybe she had gone against her good character and called in "sick" so she could have another day with Ryan. When I asked how she was feeling, she said great. When I asked her if she had called in "sick" to school, she said she didn't have to because they had a snow day. A SNOW DAY. There wasn't even enough snow to make a footprint, people! Here are the photos to show you exactly how much snow I'm talking about. And they were taken in the afternoon.
Here's the driveway & road. You can see how there's very little snow on the lawn but the road's solid white. That's the reason school was cancelled. The roads were covered and turned into giant slabs of ice. Clearly this is not safe for our commuting educators and school buses.
Here's the house from the road. No, just kidding. It's the play house in the back yard.
Snowy horses: Little Bit & Hawk