14 February 2009

Contortionist, I am not.

A few people have asked me if I was driving when the video of Elayna was taken. I would have to be a serious contortionist to manage that. And if I did have that sort of amazing talent, I would join the circus just for experience sake. So no. I was not driving. Actually, that very moment, I was outside of Circuit City getting my NEW GPS NAVIGATION SYSTEM! All yall know they're going out of business and we've been wanting a Garmin for the longest time. So I thought, "Hmm, why not?" I've been driving between a few different stores and whenever I find a gps I like, they don't have it in stock anymore. As I was leaving this store, my oh so keen sense of peripheral vision caught this baby still new in the box locked inside the front counter. After much deliberating with a friend, I decided to spend the extra $40 (in addition to what I was willing to pay for the others I originally wanted) and get it. I'M SO GLAD I DID! This thing is G-R-E-A-T! There's just way too many features to list, and I wouldn't want to read them if I could be looking at pictures of Elayna. So here you are:

This beautiful shot was taken after a nice small bowl of fruity cereal. If you can't see very well, she's COVERED in it. At one point, she took the entire over-sized bib and wrapped it around her face. Later that night, I kept finding pieces of cereal in her hair, behind her ears, etc. I've been trying to make cereal a part of our evening routine.
This was after wandering Target. I was surprised to see the dogs still sitting up. Normally, they're pooped after a long afternoon and I don't see their heads until we pull into the driveway. (NO, this was not taken while driving down the road. I was still parked at Target.) They were acting like crazies on the way to the dog park and messed up Elayna's mirror, so you can't see her. Speaking of crazy, Dax has been a wild animal lately, escape after escape from the backyard. Luckily, he comes when I call. If it were Libby, she'd be in Canada already.