04 October 2008

Where does the time go?!

Here we have the Daddy, just after being poltergeist-ed. (It's happened about three times and not once to me. heh.)

She's striking a pose.

This is something new. She's learned how to suck her fingers. Sometimes it's the index, sometimes it's the thumb. And other times, she pulls a Mabry and sucks on two middle fingers. I love this pic.

This is my absolute favorite picture.

And we've been seeing a lot of this lately from both dogs.

We're going to the Roloff Farm tomorrow. (Little People Big World's pumpkin farm) So I stopped by Once Upon a Child and picked up this front pack. RYAN will be carrying our ten pound chunkster.

I caught him reading her a book last night.

Here we are waiting for Randy & Renee at the airport. I stood up to take a picture of my two favorite peeps, not realizing his parents were coming up on us... No, I take that back. In my peripheral vision, I saw a lady jumping up and down like a five-year-old on Christmas morning. That's what Ryan's smiling at.