30 October 2008

Our Poor Baby

So many of you know we have a cranky baby on our hands. One that for the past two weeks could be the new face of Poltergeist. Not to mention her hypersensitivity to the absolute tiniest, minuscule mess in her diaper. (We go through AT LEAST one diaper an hour.) Anyway, I took her to the doctor today so we could find the root of these issues. And the doctor believes Elayna has three issues going on, one of which isn't related to why she's been so fussy. First, she might have GERD. It stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. This is possibly the cause for Elayna's daily projectile vomit. Secondly, she could be lactose-intolerant, which might be the reason she freaks out each time she messes her diaper even in the slightest. Because she's not able to break down the lactose, her messes are very acidic and are literally burning her skin. This is also the reason she constantly has the start of a diaper rash. So those two reasons combined (GERD and lactose-intolerance) could be why we constantly have a crying baby (that's if she's not sleeping or eating, well yes even while she's eating). The third issue is that she has a heart murmur. We have an appointment next week to check that out. The doctor wasn't too concerned about any of these issues and said that they are all conditions which infants usually grow out of. So please keep Elayna (and us) in your prayers.