NOT GIVING BIRTH, that's how.
Still no baby. There's lots of contractions, but not the good bad kind that hurt.
I've authorized Jess to post on the blog, so as soon as something happens, she'll make sure everyone knows. We visited Chambers Bay again today. She brought Mabry and I brought the dogs. This time, we didn't get started until about noon. Since the sun was at its brightest, we took it pretty easy and opted against the steep, STEEP hills with no protection from the sun. (Cheri, I bet you're jealous we decided to take the straight, somewhat shaded route along the road.) Anyway, I've posted a picture of the full moon, attempting to get my psyche up and in match with the bod. (I'm also carrying around a print-out... I'm for whatever works, man.)

David & Priscilla just called to see how things were going. Pscilla informed me that she coincidentally had pizza both nights she went into labor. And that got me thinking... because Jay (Jess's dad) says pizza put Cheri into labor. Maybe there's something to this pizza inducing labor theory... I'm going with it! (So, yes, I'm carrying around a pizza print-out as well.)