20 July 2008

late night shenanigans

You know how you can hear something while you're sleeping, but it doesn't wake you up or even become a part of your dreams... Well last night, around 2am, I hear dogs barking. But it doesn't register that I even hear a ruckus until my own start to join in. (First you have to understand, it is a very rare occasion that Dax & Libby bark.) So both Ryan & I literally jump out of bed and run to the window to see what's making our dogs go crazy. (I have no idea what I was thinking, I didn't even grab my glasses. It's not like I can see without 'em. And I would also like to know how I moved that quickly when it's takes some serious effort in the mornings to roll out of bed. Maybe that's why I'm hurting today. Anyway.) So "we" see two MPs and their german shepherd walking our fence row and going through the neighbors' backyards. I call the station to report our meandering MPs and I'm told it's a "routine patrol." So I ask what they're looking for. Again, "Ma'am, it's a routine patrol." ROUTINE PATROL my foot. We talked to our neighbors today who said they too called the MP station and were told the same thing. But afterwards, when the MPs were in their yard, they questioned them and were told someone reported gun shots in the area. Today, Ryan and I were joking about how every other dog on the block was threatening the late night wanderers, "You come any closer and I'll kill you!" They sounded so aggressive. But ours, oh no, it's more like, "HELLO! What's your name?! Wanna play? Come closer!" They were SO happy to have visitors in the middle of the night... they make great guard dogs. Anyway, if it's not a bear, it's alleged gunfire. And if it's not that, then what?

Speaking of bears, thanks Jessie for the "heads up" about the bear trap in the park. Being my curious self, I might have felt compelled to climb in and check it out. What were you saying about donuts?

Yesterday afternoon, Ryan & I attended a CAV "fun day." There was a tent where kids (big and small) could make stick ponies and then ride them in the adjacent rodeo. There were strykers, fire trucks, a very loud sound system, a dunk tank, and ice cream, my favorite part. This isn't a great photo of us and a stryker... the sun was in our eyes like something awful, I look like I've braced myself against some imaginary force that's about to knock me over, and it appears we no longer have feet. But I thought I'd post it anyway.

I just love this man.

And this Dax Man loves his Mama.

It's not like she's trying to break out of my skin (which I have yet to catch on video), but you can definitely see movement. Look between the second and third creases in my shirt. I think she had hiccups, something she's been having a lot of lately... IN ADDITION to trying to rip me in two. There isn't any sound.