26 July 2008

Landscaping 101

Okay! Here they are. You'll have to excuse the mess (bucket, little rocks, lack of pruning, etc.) This is the front (minus the carport and Elayna's bedroom window). The four bushes to the left are roses and there's a wispy bush on the right of the door. The hydrangea is in the corner. They're mulched, but I don't have big rocks infront of the wispy and hydrangea yet. The dark area that isn't mulched (infront of the hydrangea, wrapping around the house) used to be landscaped by previous tenants. But I don't want to put that much effort into it, so I took out their border/trims (wooden beams) and tilled it up some. I'll plant grass and hope it grows.

Here's a closer view of the roses. The one between the water hose and faucet needs to be moved. I tried to dig it up but the roots are as thick as my arm. Maybe Ryan can get it, or we'll just burn it out and plant another rose bush to line up with the others. Remember when we first moved in and they were all as tall as Ryan? Then I cut 'em down to barely stubs... I took my Grandma's advice and started pruning them to make them look more like bushes instead of trees. So far it's working, I just can't get them to be BIG bushes with blossoms. Oh and I removed the small rocks that trimmed the sidewalk and put in bigger ones. Like I said, I'll do the same for the wispy and hydrangea.

I'm so happy it lived! I bought the hydrangea at Walmart a few days ago since it was clearanced and looking pretty sorry, all wilted and dry. When I planted it last night, I was seriously skeptical whether or not it would survive... and it did! It's even got a start to some blossoms. I can't wait to see what color they turn out to be. Here you have a much better look at the "old landscaping" and an idea of what will be. The un-mulched areas will be planted with grass seed. There are several areas around the neighborhood that have grass right up to the house, and I think I like that.

Lastly, here's the corner view. You can see all the wooden beams that used to be the flower bed trims. I just put them on the side until Ryan can move them. There's a rose-type bush there that annoys me each time I look at it, because it's not centered in that corner. And it grows like a weed, I can barely keep up with its pruning. I'm thinking I need sun-hardy plants to line the side, or just plant grass. Any suggestions? And I know, I know, I need to move the sprinkler around so that all the grass turns green and not just the area infront of the house.