04 June 2008

It's another muggy day.

Being the bargain shopper that I am, instead of purchasing a crib set for Elayna, I decided to recycle some fabric and make curtains. Then I crocheted this blanket to match the room. The other day, I found a quilted throw that went with the nursery colors perfectly. Folded in half, it fits the crib very nicely. When it's time for the crib to become a daybed or twin, it unfolds to fit just as well. I'm debating whether or not I want to go get the matching sham.

Grandma's so crafty. She's been sending me boxes of my old baby things (as well as Dad's and my brother's). This last time, she sent some things she'd made. We now have a diaper wipes holder, a lightswitch cover, "pony" bank, and teddy bear mobile. Thanks Grandma!

I wish the weather would warm up and stop being so dreary. (On a random note, who names their hotel after such a word? Dreary? Seriously.) Last night, I decided the dogs would become permanent outside dogs. I originally thought that once the weather dried up some the dogs could have a more flexible inside/outside schedule. Nope, now instead of tracking in mud they're bringing in dirt, even after brushing them before letting them in. I give up. ON TOP of Dax's horrible horrible habits that I won't go into. He cannot be left alone in the house without getting into/onto something he knows he's not supposed to. Ryan and I have been debating what to do about the dog, dirt, and bad habits dilemmas for awhile. We'd come up with several options. But yesterday, Dax made the decision much easier. Since it was raining, the dogs were only allowed out to go potty. TWICE I had to drag Dax back into the house because he refused to come of his own accord. "So, okay Dax, you want to be outside so badly, stay out all night. Libby, you too." I've come to realize that the dogs don't WANT to be inside and are perfectly content out. I'm the one who hesitates at the idea of making them stay outside all the time. Last night, I got up every ten minutes to check onn them. Each time I peeped outside, they would just look at me like, "Do you need something?" I know this is best, especially when little Elayna arrives. And it would be better to transition them now instead of after she's born. I don't want them to think they've been booted. Anyway, now we have to get a shelter of some sort. Libby's already laid dibs on the dog bed.

While Ryan and I were out, we saw this on the highway. We couldn't agree on what it was-- a statue in transit or a truck bed cover. What do you think? We both agreed that the one on the end, nearest the tailgate resembles Libby a little too much.