Holy Moley. Ryan had to work a 24 hour shift so he didn't get to see/feel what was going on last night. When I finally crawled into bed around 10:30, it took forever to fall asleep because the karate kid in my belly decides to have a late night spar. I just kept thinking to myself, "There's a party in my pants and I'm only there by default." So, it's official. She's moving. I can feel her from the inside and out. It's not the fluttering sensation everyone talks about. Her motions feel like pokes or pops. Come to think of it, I have been feeling this for awhile (just like everyone said) but just passed it off as some type of monstrous gas. Anyway, here are a few belly shots. (Please remember that it hurts to suck it in anymore, so what you see is belly AND baby.)