25 May 2008


ABC stands for "Asian Baby Carrier." That's right. I've been in a super-sew-y mood lately and wanted to start sewing clothes and other things for Elayna. I found a website that listed patterns for a whole bunch of different slings and carriers. It even had its own Asian section. Anyway, I saw a few that looked very similar to what my mother appeared to utilize with me as an infant. (Looking through some of my old baby pictures there were a few where I was literally strapped to her back while she did chores around the house.) Anyway, this isn't exactly what she did, but I thought it would be a neat project for the near future. I made one tonight... I'm definitely NOT posting pictures because it's horrible! Not bad for the first go-round, but too poor to post a picture of. We'll see how the next few turn out. This is the website: Have a Ball Baby.