Okay. So Ryan & I are in Melber for Christmas. To get here, we had to leave immediately after worship to guarantee we would have time to shop at Seattle's Pike Place Market for most of everyone's christmas presents. Mission accomplished. Christmas shopping completed in under two hours! (In the photo, you can see how much we love driving in this rainy Washington weather.) We were able to cram everything into suitcases or "carry on" the plane. Our flight was suppposed to leave at 12:40AM on the 24th. It was delayed by more than two hours. Continental kindly rescheduled our connection flight in Houston. But our plane landed 15 minutes before our connection was to take off. Ryan and I hauled serious booty to get to the next gate. We RAN through the airport, caught the train to the next concourse, and RAN to our gate. All this took place in a matter of 5 minutes. I was very impressed. (Not to mention, we were packin our carry-ons.) SO, we get to our gate, just as the door was shut. When we told the attendant we needed "on THAT plane," he shrugged his shoulders and said it was already gone. WHAT?!! It was right in front of us. We SAW the door JUST shut. The plane wasn't even started yet. What an insult and slap in the face, jerk. Then we went to the counter, explained the situation to another attendant, who also slapped us in the face. She said our flight had already been rescheduled AGAIN because they knew we weren't going to make it. I informed her we DID make it ten minutes before the plane was even scheduled to take off and still weren't allowed on the plane.
Then she said the plane closes its doors five minutes before take off. Okay... so my math tells me there was a five minute hiatus in there. What gives? She was completely uncaring of the matter. We were so angry but too exhausted to do anything about it. My conclusion is Continental is a crock and I will formally complain to them later.
On a random better note, here is the website of the pepper clusters I love so much.
Renee and Reece picked us up from the airport in Nashville. I wrapped presents all afternoon. Ryan started a game with his brother and father. It's called Cashflow and it's the stupidest game ever. (I committed suicide on one of my turns and left my fortune to Ryan, the ungrateful player who wanted to win without cheating.) Christmas eve was spent at Papa and Grandma Mary's.

Christmas morning we opened presents. Ryan's major gift was a set of golf clubs. Reece got an overcoat.
I got a laptop and printer.

This afternoon, Renee hosted a huge potluck dinner for the entire family. There were also a few boys from New Pathways for Children (where Ryan & I used to work); we only recognized one. After dinner, we had our Phillips Christmas. Then we had our Benifield Christmas. Tomorrow will be Granny's Christmas. Then Ryan & I will be visiting my grandparents in Illinois shortly after. Whew! What a week.
Before we left WA, Ryan & I had Christmas with the Oakes.

(Dan thinks he's SO funny, taking a random photo when no one's watching.)