Here's Mabry during worship. Yes, that's right, during worship. Go ahead and rebuke, but I couldn't resist taking a picture of her "praising the Lord." 
Oakes family photo.
Dan, Mabry, Gamma

Oakes family photo.

Dan, Mabry, Gamma

Oh, so mature.

Our congregation threw Mabry Grace a shower yesterday.

So as Jess would put it, "We have taken rubber-necking to a new level." We're not happy with seeing road delays, we must now take pictures of them.

When Ryan and I got the new bedroom set, our quilt no longer "fit" the frame. Even though it was a queen, you could still see the box springs. So... new, king-size bedding. Oddly enough, Ryan kinda likes it. He's learning to compromise. .jpg)
Ryan left a sock out today. Juju found it.
Before we're "allowed" to have a satellite or fence installed, we're supposed to get a permit or approval... oops. (The person who approved our fence permit just told us to hide the satellite when the yard is surveyed. Ryan will just have to suck it up for a few days until that's done.) Anyway, on the request form, they ask for a detailed drawing. Seriously..jpg)
Before we're "allowed" to have a satellite or fence installed, we're supposed to get a permit or approval... oops. (The person who approved our fence permit just told us to hide the satellite when the yard is surveyed. Ryan will just have to suck it up for a few days until that's done.) Anyway, on the request form, they ask for a detailed drawing. Seriously.